Have I mentioned that I am cat/housesitting this month while my friends are off on their honeymoon? Well, I am and it's been going pretty well. The best thing about it? The fact that their television is hooked up to Netflix Watch Instantly! The worst thing about it? I have pretty much not left the apt in two weeks.
I just saw John and Mary a few nights ago and absolutely loved it. I had never even heard of it before, which is surprising considering it's with Dustin Hoffman and Mia Farrow, but I think that's because when it came out, it received fairly negative reviews. I couldn't disagree with those more though.
The film is about the two meeting at a bar, hitting it off and then going home together that same night. Although I'm sure one-night stands weren't completely unheard of in 1969, I believe it was a fairly controversial subject for a big movie like that (at least according to the Netflix description it was). After their night together, the two spend the rest of the next day getting to know one another and the conversations that ensue are pretty honest, vulnerable and contemporary (for example, John only buys farm fresh organic eggs. How Brooklyn of him.)
And maybe the real reason why I loved the movie so much? John's apartment! He is supposed to be a furniture designer and everything about the place is perfect. The slanted attic ceilings, workspace loft, artwork, white walls... it's incredible.
How about you guys? I'm looking for more movie recommendations and would love to hear your suggestions!
I agree with you....such a fab movie!
I've never heard of it, now I'm anxious to watch it.
thanks for letting us know about this! I'll watch this for sure...
i recommend you Brothers, it's a very deep and touching movie, hope you like it.
kisses and happy new year!
Netflix time. :)
I love Netflix Streaming! I recommend: La Dolce Vita for another old movie, Letters to Juliet for a contemporary rom-com, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 1 & 2 for fun girly movies that are nice indulgences for girl's night in. Also: Lives Of Others. I'll check out John and Mary, it looks great, and Mia Farrow's so pretty!!
This is obviously an older movie, so I've never heard of it, but the plot sounds like my mind of movie! My recommendations are more modern...I just saw Batman Begins (soooo good!), so The Dark Knight is definitely on my list. And I also want to see The King's Speech.
I really love that movie too..Thank you so much for your sweet comment:) It made my day:)
Kisses and wish you a lovely day
Ps: I am hosting a great home decor GIVEAWAY later today, so please join in :)
Netflix watch instantly may well be the undoing of me. I think I'm going to have to watch John and Mary next!
this film sounds wonderful- I've just looked and it isn't available on region 2 dvd yet which is a real shame. I've put it on my wish list in case it does become available and am going to see if I can track down a VHS
This is a lovely blog, I'm just reading through- thanks for finding me
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