Do you guys know the website, 20 x 200? I discovered it a couple of years ago and it has consistently been a great site for discovering and buying new (affordable) artwork. The concept is simple. They introduce two new editions of work, usually one photo and one work on paper, once a week. Most are available in three to four sizes. When they first launched, the smallest size was reprinted in the largest batch - an edition of 200 - and sold at the lowest price - $20. Hence the name, 20x200. Now they also offer different sizes for different prices, depending on how many reprints are made of the original work. For example, when they produce only two reprints, they sell the art for $2000. And not only is their art affordable and accessible, their selection of work is well curated by Jen Bekman.
The first photo above, "Chateau" is by the artist, Jeremy Kohm. I love the Art Deco style of it. The second image, "Untitled" by David Corbett, is actually a print I purchased about a year ago. It now hangs framed above my desk and I constantly find myself daydreaming into its layers of color.
Oh, and if you're looking for a creative gift for someone else, the site also sells gift certificates. I think that's pretty neat.
I love these! I need some new artwork to add to my room:)
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