It's Friday! Hope everyone has some fun plans this weekend filled with beautiful weddings (Congrats, Rachel + Darren!), farmers market trips + beach picnics!
Alex + I are going to dinner at Colicchio & Sons this weekend. I ♥ Top Chef so, finally, going to one of Tom Colicchio's world-famous restaurants is going to be a real treat. And going to try to catch Eat, Pray, Love. :)
Have a great weekend, everyone! xo
Oh, and here are some totally random links I would love to share with you...
HILARIOUS missing cat email (it takes a few minutes to read, but totally worth it -- like, real LOL funny)
Naughty bookcases
Bizarre-looking animals (eek!)
Mad Men's Christina Hendricks before she was famous
How to Be Alone (via Every Little Counts)
Funny commercial: How many hipsters can you pack in a Honda jazz? (via Swiss Miss)
Adorable painted little piglets
Fake Pool
(Photo by Deb Schwedhelm)
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