Image via Listal.

Image via Lily in Wonderland.

Image via The List.

Image via weblo.
In anticipation of seeing Somewhere this weekend, today's Dreamy Dame is the lovely Sofia Coppola. As directors and producers ourselves, my sisters and I have been slightly obsessed with Sofia since we first saw Virgin Suicides. She embodies everything we admire in women: style, grace, talent and creativity. Yes, she grew up privileged and yes, making "independent" films are probably not so hard when you're Francis Ford Coppola's daughter, but we don't care! Her films still resonate with us because she's able to tell stories about characters that are relatable, imperfect and fairly honest. With the exception of Marie Antoinette which was more stylized, I really love her minimal approach to just letting a story unfold on it's own. Her directing is refreshing because I often feel like we're just a fly on the wall watching the actors in the film become their characters and letting their story just happen. It doesn't feel planned or over thought.
I believe it just opened, but have any of you seen Somewhere yet? I'm really looking forward to it.
Read an interview with Sofia where she talks about the process of making the movie, here.
amen! :)
why isn't she breast feeding ...weird? but yea I love her too..
I haven't heard of that movie...where have I been? What a fun job she is, look how intensely she's watching next to the camera.
I can't wait for this film! Love the pictures you chose and thanks for linking us to an interview :)
what?! a dinner party with inspiration from my blog?! that totally made me smile and I can't wait to see pictures!! :)
big hugs,
Christmas day, baby!
oh, also, I know some women actually put their breast milk in bottles so they don't have to feed in public. She might be doing that. :)
Totally love her style. So gamine!
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