What a cool hotel idea. The underwater restaurant Ithaa, in the Maldives, decided to celebrate their 5th anniversary by temporarily converting their space into luxury hotel suites. Would you sleep here? :)
(Via Lace & Tea)
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Oh, that is so cool. I don't know if I could actually sleep there, but man, what a cool idea!
NO WAY!! I'd be too scared! :)
Great idea for people who aren't chicken, though :)
Pretty cool hotel, wonder if I'd be able to sleep.
wow! thats pretty amazing! i dont think i would want to sleep there but i wouldnt mind walking around or having dinner under the fishies. xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams
I think I'm with you, Jillian. Definitely dinner!
Ditto, Jillian!
That's awesome!!! Totally awesome!! =)
Melanie's Randomness
OH MY GOD THIS WOULD BE MY DREAM HONEYMOON HOTEL!!!!! Seriously. I have always loved anything to do with underwater life, and I visit aquariums every chance I get (I'll be going to the Sydney one soon....). This is fabulous!
ummmoh my goodness, i want to do that!!!
Oh my goodness, that looks so fun! I would love to stay there!! Such a good idea. x
That would be so cool!
I desperately want a big aquarium but know i'm way too lazy to look after it lol
This would be insane! I'd love a night there.
I would definitely dine there, and most certainly leave with a neck ache! So cool :)
This definitely looks super cool but at the same time I think I'd be a little paranoid that the glass might break and I would drown or might become shark food.
that is such a cool idea, i would love to sleep (or try to) sleep underwater
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