Brooklyn House Hunting |
Hello, DOPT friends. The 3rd sister here. Like Lisa mentioned recently, it's been eons since
we've posted. (I know, lame.) Lately its just been Karina posting. (Thanks, Karina!) But it's true. Work/life events have completely overrun my schedule, most notably - house hunting!
My husband and I have been married for
three years and have moved apartments four times! I know - nuts! But crazy New York circumstances (ahem, co-op board problems and our own penchant for living in trendy neighborhoods) have made it difficult to stay put. Finally though, our game of home-musical-chairs may soon be coming to an end because we are currently looking to
buy a two bedroom home in Brooklyn. As a
nester, I am insanely excited. Finally, a home we will truly be able to call our own. Where we can build things, tear down walls, and customize to our liking without having to think about the property owner.
Since I'm hoping this will happen some time soon, I have begun a collection of inspiration photos, if you'd like to see. Here are a few selects and my
Brooklyn board here if you'd like to follow.
I'm curious, how many times have you moved in your life? Did you know the average American moves 11.7 times in a lifetime! And other
fun facts on moving.
Anyone else looking to buy right now? What's on your wish list? Here is ours...