Dreamy Dame: Lake Bell

Via Oyster.

As I was catching up on celebrity news this weekend, I heard that actress/writer/director, Lake Bell just had a baby. Which then reminded me that I wanted to do a Dreamy Dame post on her ever since I saw her film, In a World a few weeks ago (currently on Netflix). Have you seen it yet? It's actually really good. I didn't know much about Lake Bell before this film, though I know she's been around for awhile, and now I am obsessed. She's just really funny and the film was so refreshing. I hope she continues to write and direct. Hollywood needs more women like her. Click below to see her talk about "sexy baby voice." 

Via Vogue.
Via Lonny.
Here's a clip from Conan where she calls women out for speaking in a "sexy baby vocal voice."

And have you seen/heard this yet? There is so much out there on the way women speak, pretty fascinating.


Unknown :

"What can be the Trending outfits for women?

The trend is not only for models or celebrities, even common people gets engage to be in trending outfits. The trend follows from one successful path to another; likewise, it should also get delivered to each and every human being in a best possible way. Given below can be the best trendsetting outfits to follow:-
1. Shirt dresses
Shirt dresses can be the best to choose from the summer/spring collection. Shirt dresses can be skinny as well as comfortable to wear. In it, you can easily flaunt your body structure and if not then don’t as you always have the option to choose loose shirts to get in.
2. All Black
Keep it stylish just in black, as black is never off trend and is everlasting color when comes to fashion. It can be a full-length black dress or short if you want, or short dress with biker jackets would be a great combination to it.
3. Bling it on
Bling dresses are like light to your night. Bling shimmery dress can be the way to go best in night time like when you go out for clubbing or for your dinner dates with your loved ones. Like the material, it gives a glimpse into your life as well.
4. Sporty look
Give the look like our athletics does, go sporty. A classic comeback of graphic tees and boyfriend jeans is the coolest chick outfit for today's women fashion.
5. Saree with a twist
Sarees are no more just an Indian thing, as it carries away the best trendsetting styles for you and in your own way of twisting it.
Trend come and goes but above were some everlasting trending outfits for women."

Please have a look at some of my recently published blog over fashion trends 2017 –

Women fashion
Fashion trends 2017
trending outfit

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