Happy Father's Day, to all the great Dad's out there! The photo above was taken during my wedding weekend in Miami (I think my Dad's hat gives it away -- Awesome.) And those two beautiful ladies are my sisters, Lisa Michelle (middle), and Karina (right), of hip + fabulous ::PLATFORM::. My sisters + I have an AMAZING, SUPER Dad.
Having been the only man in a house with four women (and a little Maltese named "Tiger" - um, yeah) must have been no easy feat for my Dad, at times, yet he always managed to stay cool + go (mostly) with the flow. And with my sisters and I, he always knew when to dole out advice (which he's still great at), and when to hold back, and let us learn to swim on our own. Dad, we are so lucky to have you! Thank you for being real + our Superman! xoxo!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Aw, cute!
See-ster love!
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