My heart! |
Introducing Luciano :) |
Heeeeeeeellllllllooooooo love-ly READERS!!! How are you all? As the sisters mentioned recently, we've all been on an unplanned blog hiatus as we've shifted our focus to some exciting life events. For me personally, it was the birth of my son, Luciano, in December. He's 9 1/2 months already and its completely flown by. During the pregnancy I was a bit naive as to how he would reshape my daily life. I knew he would change things, but never could I have anticipated the deep love and devotion I would experience. I mean look at that FACE?! How could you not want to kiss those chubby cheeks all day? :) But on a more serious note, it's also challenged me to reimagine how I balance creativity and work in my life. For example, I used to stay up really late, with a pot of coffee,
writing screenplays, but now with a 6am-waking-bouncy-baby that's just not a good idea. So instead I've had to learn how to write in short sprints say, during a nap. It can get tricky, and I'm still learning, but I wouldn't change it for anything. He's brought so much joy, happiness and new meaning into my world!
So. What does that mean for the ol' blog here? Expect a potpourri of new posts! Want to talk about babies, working motherhood and writing? I'll be posting about that! All things wedding? Karina, I'm sure, will be posting about that. And Lisa? All things design, soul-searching and awesome. :) I mean, just check out her
Feels great to be back! Now we'd love to know... how have you all been??? Any exciting updates you want to share? Marriages, breakups, new jobs? All of the above? :) Can't wait to reconnect! Happy Fall! xo!
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