Hey everyone! Hope you all had an amazing + spectacular holiday break. My sisters and I enjoyed a nice Christmas Eve at our parents house where we had a pretty non-traditional evening. We had dinner around the television and watched Cliffhanger. Not exactly the type of Christmas movie you'd expect, but it was fabulous in all it's cheesiness. And our 14 year-old cousin got a kick out of it.
New Years was just as fun. Karina and Charlie had an awesome dance party and we celebrated midnight by toasting with champagne and 12 grapes. Do you guys know this tradition? We grew up doing it every year and it's no New Years without it. You're supposed to take 12 grapes, one for every month of the year, and make a wish or resolution per grape. It's really fun sharing this tradition with friends, even Martha Stewart posts about it.
Image via Pinterest.
My new years resolutions are usually the same...which usually indicates that i don't follow through from the previous year. But! this past year I have been really focusing on reading and educating myself on anything and everything I take pleasure in and I have gradually come to realize how precious life and time in that life can be. So doing what I want like continuing to eat healthy, exercising more, reading more more more! and learning a new language is among the few resolutions I have for myself. (and success with my blog, hahah!)
Have a very good start of the New Year. A long and interesting list of intentions and wishes. I hope many become true.
Love the grape tradition! Will have to start that next year. I don't believe in resolutions, because they don't stick for me, but my hope is to be financially independent by the time I'm eating my 2013 midnight grapes.
happy New Year girls! looks like you've been a busy bunch since 2012 rolled on in and it's great to have some time today for catching up. hope time with your fams over the holidays was amazing and good gosh a Miami get-away is like a dream of ours. hopefully next xmas we'll do something like that ourselves : )
though i've never thought to watch Sly over the holidays i do LOVE that flick major amounts and have seen it countless times. nice choice! cool grape tradition too and i hadn't heard of it before, thanks for the idea...i like it a lot plus the images on the skewers look super stylish in some champs.
happiest wishes for a grand year ahead for you all. many blessings!!! xo ♥
Thanks so much Lynn! Wishing you a fantastic year as well! xoxo!
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