In today's Yay or Nay survey, I wanted to ask you, peeps... colored jeans: yay or nay? I usually stick to the basic dark denim because it works the best for my body type (leetle Guatemalan legs, big booty from God knows where :), but this past weekend I almost ventured and bought - gasp! Purple jeans! But at the last minute I wimped out, and put them back on the rack. But this sexy new vid (above), for Ksubi Kolors, is really making the case for colored jeans. What do you guys think? Would love to know! See a fun colored jeans slideshow here. xo
i like them - but on other people. i just don't think with my petit curvy frame i would be able to pull them off. maybe with heels??
Totally agree with you, Chapstick! The heels could be a good idea ! And maybe a black top or something really basic. hmmm...
I've been thinking of getting a pair of colored jeans as well lately. I have the big bootie issue too but I was thinking if I tried a darker color like red or purple I might still get the slimming effect I get from dark wash denim. I haven't taken the plunge yet though.
I say Yay! I think it's important that you stick with a color that makes you feel good. I probably wouldn't feel comfortable in a bright neon yellow, but perhaps a dark purple or olive green would work. Maybe even a fun red?
ooh, i like the olive green idea!
I like to see them on other people but just not on myself.
YES!!! totes go for it, and get them at Zara, they work for us petite latinas.
good one. i love zara!
I say yay! It's spring! And olive green is also my favorite :)
xo Nadia
I can NOT make my mint up about coloured jeans. I very nearly bought a mint green pair the other day and also wimped out at the last minute. Just not for everyone I guess.
I say yay! I've had a pair of pink jeans for years that are surprisingly wearable and flattering. I think colorful denim doesn't sound very good in theory but somehow works : )
I would maybe get red...maybe :)
So not Yay or Nay...but MAY? lol!
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